Aug 16, 2009

The uses of Adversity

A person should never be depressed in difficult circumstances in life. Failures of life are the steps towards the splendid success.

Man is the architect of his own fortune. He works hard for the achievement of better future. If a person is failed in his attempts, he should not be disappointed. He should keep up his struggle. It is certain that he will achieve his ambition. Human life is a circlet of daily life experiences which is fraught with success and failure. Man learns too much from his failures. He learns to avoid ignorance. It brings him glowing success. The feelings of despair and despondance must be ejected from our mind. It is true that perpetual efforts bring fine reward to man. A pessimistic mind can't be a good achiever.

Adversity, failure, despair and desperation are the temporary elements. There is no consistancy in them. Failures of life make a person learn profound experience. When efforts are made in light of past experiences, objectives become easy to achieve.

A person can't achieve his ambition unless he faces the hardships of life with courage. His efforts require spiritual zeal, true emotions, firm will power, hard work and profound patience. This are the fundamentals that generate true determination and optimistic feelings. We must be confident that failures of life are the steps towards the glittering success. For the accomplishment of any task, optimistic approach, self confidence and self reliance are the essential factors.