Aug 7, 2009

Pillars of Democracy

A well disciplined and reasonable freedom of individual of a society is the basement of democracy where people enjoy full rights and breath freely.

Fundamentals of democracy are actually the pillars over which the whole democratic construction is based.

Most important characteristic is the provision of human rights. Democracy can't prevail, until the individuals of a society are given all their basic needs. There will be a lack of stability on the part of a government, where human needs are not fulfilled.

Democratic systems have obviously failed in those countries, where rights of a person are snatched, which is the leading cause of flourishing anarchy.

The cause of democratic success in European countries is the extensive provision of basic needs to their subjects. They have managed it by following a complete network of social security which provides to its citizens unemployment benefit, residence allowance and educational stipends to their children to meet their expenses.

Another essential characteristic of democracy is the freedom of press and information media. In a democratic society, there are no boundaries and restrictions on the individuals to criticize against the government or any institution.

In dealing with the state, we ought to remember that its institutions are not aboriginal, though they existed before we were born, that they are not superior to the citizens.

All man made laws are alterable and can be amended in a refined form for the enhancement of social worth of man.

It is a conclusive fact that the best democratic values can only be achieved by sincerity, generosity and mutual understanding between individuals of a society and the government.